My Mission

Hey there! I see I sparked your curiosity with this whole "My Mission" thing. If you're able, I encourage you to watch the video right below this paragraph. That way, you can see who I am.

If you're in a place where you can't watch the video, let me explain who I am and what I'm trying to accomplish with this site.

I'm Adam Hagerman and I'm a full-time financial coach that wants to help you attain financial freedom. I also want you to feel confident that you're getting the information you need to help you get there.

Why do I need to say that? Well, most financial websites you come across contain advertisements and affiliate links to products and services that may not be the best option for you. Sponsored posts are becoming very prominent on websites you visit too. This is where the owner of the site gets paid so a company can put their potentially biased content out to a new audience (YOU!).

Personally, I think that's putting you in a tough position. How do you know that website is providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision? What if they only threw up the article so they could make money?

You deserve better.

So here's my pledge to you:

I won't take any money from outside advertisers. I won't push financial products just because I can make some money if you click a link. I won't post any videos or articles just because a financial company paid me some money.

I want you to feel confident there's no outside influence on the information I'm providing you.

Yes, you'll see that I still recommend products and services, but at least you'll know that they're not paying me anything. They're products I personally use or ones I know you'll benefit from.

Since I'm not taking any money from companies and I still need to make some money to keep this site running plus earn a living, various memberships plans are available. Think of them as a small part of your monthly budget to ensure you're getting the financial education you deserve. One free from outside influence.

Becoming a member isn't just you donating your hard-earned money either. You will get a number of other benefits which I believe are significantly more valuable than what I'm charging. Benefits like access to financial courses, a special members-only forum, a library of over four hours of videos on various topics, live Q&A sessions with me, and more. Those extra benefits depend on which membership tier you select and I encourage you to check them out so you can find the perfect one for you.

Finally, I want you to know that you DO NOT need to sign up for a membership to benefit from my pledge. All of my financial articles are free and you're welcome to read all of them. None of them contain paid advertisements, affiliate links, etc. I just hope that one day when you see the benefits of my pledge, you consider joining as a paying member so I can continue this mission and help everyone I possibly can.

I look forward to helping you achieve financial freedom!


The Rebuilder

$10 Per Month

The Self-Starter

$5 Per Month

The Wealth Builder

$20 Per Month

The Self-Starter

$5 Per Month

The Rebuilder

$10 Per Month

The Wealth Builder

$20 Per Month